I Hope Your Daughter Starves to Death
Amanda is a former LLR trainer. She was with LuLaRoe for a little over a year and built herself a downline of about 80 consultants. She...

Tsk, Tsk Scentsy... I'm watching you
An email was sent out today to active Scentsy representatives asking for their participation in lobbying FOR a proposed amendment to to...
Baby, Come Back...
... you can blame it all on me... Baby, come back! Ok, who's singing with me now? No? Baby come back, any kind of fool could see...
You are meant to be complacent. You are meant to listen, to do what you're told. To not ask questions. No NOT rock the boat. You are...
MLMs: Revamping the Model
I am often misquoted as being anti-MLM. I can understand the confusion for someone that might pop on the blog and read a scathing...
Dallas Fort Worth LuLaRoe Protest
Calling all LuLaLeftovers! Give me your tired, your stale, and your debted! There is a peaceful protest forming to stand against LuLaRoe...

Lollipop Moments
Two former employees of LuLaRoe's home office reached out to me yesterday to deliver a very strong message- We are not trying to...
Goliath vs. David
This morning at 6 a.m., my doorbell began to ring furiously. An overzealous process server by the name of "Norman" from a totally legit...

People are still reeling over the 100% buyback ending, and slowly more and more information is starting to come out. Some mentors have...

Deal With Deanne
Right before the consultant came forward with her story about Alex (Deanne's son and former warehouse manager) supposedly selling her hot...