Like a Stone- Rest in Peace, Chris Cornell
Anyone that knows me for ohhh...12 seconds knows I am a huge music buff. Freak. Music Freak. Audiophile? I know! Audioslave. My...
Internet Stalkers Volume 1
A few days ago, a would be internet stalker decided to try and go IRL (in real life) on me by sending a threat via email. In that...

See No Evil
The direction from LLR has always been for consultants to never speak poorly about the company. Especially not publicly. The issue...
Exposing an Internet Stalker
For the last several days, I've been targeted by a group of internet trolls. Tomorrow, I will publish the entire file of information I...
Always Learning
Earlier, I made a well-intentioned post- meant to express feelings about racism and my overall "humanity" based feelings. "A person is a...

The Myth of The Level Playing Field
~~The Myth of the Level Playing Field~~ Emotions are running high after explosive blog posts by Christina regarding possible corruption...

The Truth About Alex
I guess someone should tell her how this works. Alex, have your attorneys call me.

LLR/ Honey and Lace Merger?
You asked, and so did I. Honey and Lace is owned and operated by DeAnne Stidham's twin sister, Dianne Ingram. Many speculate a...

Turn Left
5/13/17 update below in bold print. Yesterday, I provided a story that was supplied to you and to the authorities word for word-...

Sage Advice
My inbox fills up every day- it's just a thing that happens when you're the only what was it? "Nameless blogger" talking about something...