Deco Miami Nail Polish Review
Hello, I'm Christina, and I am an addict. Nail polish addict, that is. What's interesting about this fact is I have also been a nail...

Great Photos on a Budget
It’s that time of year again. Love is in the air. When my husband and I got engaged we wanted to be able to show the world how much we...

Dr. Seuss Books 5 for $5.95
My son is obsessed with books! Here a book, there a book, everywhere a book! Right now Dr. Seuss is his jam. "Mommy, lets read Dr....

Pink Zebra- Another DScent Company
Re-posted with updates: Jenny B. is a Pink Zebra independent sales rep. I have to tell you I can not keep up with all the titles of...
Color Street Product Review
I was chatting with a friend, Tricia, about her new endeavor with another brand that's new to market in the DS world. A company called...

IT Cosmetics Confidence In A Cream
I'm going to say it straight. I don't have "skin issues" to speak of. If I have one personal brag card to use, it's my skin. Funny...
Tea For Me!
I love tea. You have no idea or understanding of the depths of my love. I have a cabinet in my kitchen JUST for tea and all the tea...

Cookware That 'Pans' Out
Raise your hand if you've bought a cookware set because the price was right, or the name was one you knew. Now raise your hand if you...

My Top Five Favorite Eye Palettes
Of all the pretty things I get to play with and review, I love getting eyeshadow palettes. It's like opening a box of candy- but for my...
Fight Off a Cold Naturally
In this episode of MommyGyver online radio, I give a few suggestions on helping you battle a winter cold naturally. I'm a believer in...