Trades of Hope
I have to admit I'm surprised by how many direct sales company representatives reach out to me to do product reviews. Being a critic of...

Honey and Meow
Stop what you're doing and pet me. Pet.ME.NOW. This dress... is sex. First of all, cheetah. And you know, you have to do cheetah...

Comfy and Beachy
My personal taste ranges so drastically. Tonight, I'm going to be reviewing one side of the spectrum all the way to the other side. My...

Cheap Chic meets Vintage Femme
Definition of plunder play\-d(ə-)r transitive verb 1a : to take the goods of by force (as in war) : pillage, sack invaders plundered...

Honey and Lace Bradbury Dress
Let's talk about spring and summer dresses. When Angela messaged and asked if I'd take a look at the H+L Bradbury dress, I got excited....

Here Comes The Sun
Initially, when I started reviewing, I wanted to reach women about products that women like. Makes sense, right? But I had so hoped...
Let's Talk Prime
When my friend Renee told me about Amazon Prime several years ago, I brushed it off. Why did I need to spend $99 to have free shipping? ...

Plump Lips For Days- Article 1: Soap and Glory Pillow Plump XXL
It started with a joke. A MommyGyver critic made a comment about my blog being a source of income because my husband put his foot down...

LipSense- Damn it, you got me
If you've read my blog for any amount of time, you'll learn that I'm not generally a fan of direct sales or MLM programs. I try to be...

LuLaRoe Alternatives: Dolman Vs. Irma & Leggings Comparison
My second Agnes and Dora experience was with another really amazing consultant, Danielle Marie. She immediately during our chat began...