Yesterday at 5 p.m. Eastern time, LuLaRoe released an email to the back offices of all consultants. This email is enclosed here: In this...

Burning Down the House
On the heels of Mark's controversial statements about customers and consultants being stale, I'm hearing a lot of chatter about the...

Mark Says You're Stale
You heard it. Mark says the inventory isn't stale. The consultant is. The customer is. Hey customers, maybe you should tell Mark why...

Lularoe Income Claims
If you haven't yet seen the videos I posted a while ago with Stacy Kristina (mentor) telling her downline that HO told mentorship that...
My Problem With MLMs
Mary Kay. Younique. Avon. Princess House. Scentsy. DoTerra. LuLaRoe... and all the rest. What's my problem with these companies? How...

Inside Edition, Katie Mooney, Empowerment
#insideedition #katiemooney #empowerment

Congratulations, Chelsea
Hi Chelsea. After we spoke the other day, I reflected quite a bit on our conversation, and how much I related to your story. From...
Not Cool
Yesterday, a group of disgruntled LLR reps made comments because of their misunderstanding the purpose of this blog. Misconstruing MY...

Racist? Send Flowers!
I'm not going to doubt that Ms. Mooney had a pretty shitty day yesterday. It isn't every day a LLR mentor makes a condescending and...

A Little Reprieve
There is no question that with all the drama following the brand at the moment, consultants with the best intentions are forced to think...