Letter to MommyGyver
This was sent to me yesterday- "Thank you for your blog and group. I think I contacted you through your blog before. I'm currently...
Giving Up My Sources
Ok, you win. You want my sources, LuLaRoe- you can have them. I'll help you find them. Open the enrollment computer. Close your...

Fuckery Part 2
This consultant contacted me because she received a separation letter from LuLaRoe, supposedly overnighted to her door. This is news to...

LuLaRoe Change.org
You know... because my big mouth hasn't been enough... here's this bad boy. Sign it if you're with it. HERE #lularoe #changeorg

This seems to be the word of the night. Fuckery. If you're offended by a bad word, you most certainly found the wrong blogger. I blog...

Call the FTC (Yeah Fraud, Bay-bee!)
The various facebook sites and Twitter have been a'titter about consumers noticing issues with their bank statements. It is alleged by...

LuLaRoe GOOB Returns
A screenshot was provided to me today that kind of says it all. LuLaRoe has offered a 100% refund to consultants GOOB. Some questions...
Open Letter to LuLaRoe
Mark and DeAnne, Hello, Hello! I have received an email from your attorney this evening. Really nice, sharp fellow. I will respond...

LuLaRoe Alternatives- Honey and Lace
A pair of Honey and Lace leggings were provided to me by a H&L seller, Nikita. Before I go on about this product, I need to achieve...

I Can't Buy My House Now
After my email to DeAnne (Included here again for reference) was dismissed and not responded to, I had hoped that my prediction was wrong...