Bridal Bliss on a Budget
Recently, my husband and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary of our first date. He's a big hopeless romantic and loves to celebrate our...
Bill Gates, You Four-Eyed Fuck
Reader warning: Super Long Piece Our world is seemingly becoming more and more cyber-based. We all log in to our social media, post...

People Need to STFU at Parents
Being a mom in 2018... Jesssus. Parenting should come with a warning label: "Warning: you and your child(ren) will be judged by everyone...
Intel Inside Investigation and Pending Class Action
Have you bought ANY kind of computer in the last 4 years? If the answer is yes, keep reading. If you've been living under a rock for...
MLM BFF 4Life...or Not...?
So you did it. You listened to your friend and you joined (insert your choice of DS/MLM company here) because you use the products, want...
Color Street Product Review
I was chatting with a friend, Tricia, about her new endeavor with another brand that's new to market in the DS world. A company called...

There's Drugs in Them There Leggin's!
Many a LuLaRoe addict will tell you that there's just something about the "buttery softness" of LuLaRoe leggings, coupled with the...

IT Cosmetics Confidence In A Cream
I'm going to say it straight. I don't have "skin issues" to speak of. If I have one personal brag card to use, it's my skin. Funny...
Tea For Me!
I love tea. You have no idea or understanding of the depths of my love. I have a cabinet in my kitchen JUST for tea and all the tea...

Cookware That 'Pans' Out
Raise your hand if you've bought a cookware set because the price was right, or the name was one you knew. Now raise your hand if you...